Monday, July 2, 2012

July 2, 2012

Dear Corrie Ann,
I am writing this to you while you are still in your momma's tummy, growing bigger and stronger every day. It is not time for you to come out and meet us all just yet, but I want you to know what a special day today is. 

You see, 21 years ago today, your momma came into my life, when I was only 21. And this means that when you arrive on October 14 (or maybe a little sooner!!), your momma will also be 21. And I don't think that is an accident. I think it makes us a pretty cool trio!

I want you to know, before you even arrive, that I already know what kind of mom you're going to get because I can already see it in her eyes, her actions, her words, and her spirit. She is going to love you like you cannot even imagine. She is going to take all the GOOD things I have done for her as a mom and do them BETTER. And more importantly, she is going to the take all the MISTAKES I made as a mom and NOT make them herself. She is going to be AMAZING. 

You are in for such an amazing life.
Yeah, yeah, your daddy is pretty great too :-) But your mom's awesomeness is really more than I can describe in words. 

The minute she found out you were coming, something in her changed. She threw away her bad habits and she turned her focus for her daily life onto you. And each day since then, she loves you just a little bit more.

So get ready, Corrie! 
You are in for an amazing life--simply because of who your momma is.
Today we say Happy Birthday to her and in only 3 short months, we will be saying Happy Birthday to you!

I love you,
Your MoMo